Thursday, June 28, 2007

sEconD mEeTing qUesTioNs

How was my first week of stay at MCL?

My first week of stay at MCL was a little bit of shy at first. How could I ever forget my first day as a college student? I came up early in the campus, knowing no one there. I feel like so alien because nobody is talking to me, and everyone has their own business, talking with their friends. Until I meet a girl from the other program and we became friends. And suddenly Mr. DC told everyone must go in their rooms because the class was about to start. But the unexpected thing happen, I did not bring my Certificate of Marticulation with me, therefore I dont know what room I will enter in. I really dont know what to do. I just text my Dad to look for my CM at my room and ask for my room no., until he replied and then I enter in room 204. I was late but my professor told me that its okay because its normal to be late at first day. After my first course, I thought that I have to look for the next room because my Dad been confused of my schedule and gave the room no., scheduled for my T-Th class. Then I enter in the other room which Ms. Mondez is teaching, and told me that I am entering the wrong room. I was so embrassed! ='( Then, I just went back to room 204 until its dismissal. The next day was Laguna Day and it was declared as official holiday so no classes! I just have my rest that day. The next day, Wednesday, I already have with me my CM and felt not like an alien anymore because I already had new set of friends. My classmates were approachable and friendly so I haven't have a hard time get along with them. My professors were all good and acting as an Excellent Professionals. There are lots of adjustment that I had faced and still facing as I enter this new chapter of my life such as getting along with my classmates everyday because I have to be flexible and understand each of their personality, and plus the fact that I am from a school which has a little population it was a totally different being in a campus!
In terms of academics, it was really hard for me the zero base. I really have work and study hard just to get a high grade and I know that its one of the training for us to be an excellent professional.

**How would you like your first year in college?What specifically you have to do to achieve these desires?

I like my first year in college to help me more discipline and to help me to change from being childish to a young adult. Of course I know that I will have a hard time for a real change but I know I can do it just one step at a time. It's hard for me to forget or to change from the things that I used to do. But what else can I do? Life goes on.. and the fact that, "the show must go on" even though it's really a different world from the one that I've been through(Nyee, aLiEn?). I wanted this first year in my college life will help me to adjust to the new world that I will be facing everyday. And I will study hard to achieve my desires.

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mY friEnDs..

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jUz A gLimPsE oF jEan..

*im Jeaneza "jean" Angeles Lualhati
*unica hIja
*born on d 2nd day of june, year 1990
*iM a sImpLe gUrL,w/ sImpLe LyfsTyLe
*im currently studying at Malayan Colleges Laguna
*im on my 1st year now, taking BS Accountancy
*i love GOD
*i love my family
*i love my frnds
*i love my 2 bestfrnd (Jewel&Gaius)
*i eAt a Lot!haha!
*i love ice cream&chocoL8s
*i am happy-go-lucky
*i love surfing d net
*i laugh a lot
*i love to meet new people and form special bonds of friendship with them.
* i likE bUyinG thinGs that is pink
* i love stuff that is "pink" *winks*
*outgoing wen im w/ my frndz
*i love LogIc!
*i am sInGLe,yet n0T AvaiLabLe! nYiKeS?
*i easily get hurt! maybe im just vulnerable when it comes to what i feel..
*u CaN mAdE mE LaUgh EasiLy aNd EasiLy t0 mAkE cRy..
*i sumtyms makE sudDen dEcisiOns thAt i rEgret in thE end
*i love watching scary movies
*i love sleeping!haha!
*i txt aLot.. 24/7?haha!
*i'm friendLy
*im super kuLit! :p
*i love pLaying pingpong&badminton
*im energetic.. i d0nt run out of energy.. esp. wen my day starts real good.. :)
*im taLkative.. esp. wen we're close..
*i can give good advices to friends but i can't give myself
*im the jealous type
*i hate those guys who use to smoke
*i hate being alone
*i get bored easily
*i hate wen sum1 wakes me up
*i hate doing household chores!
*im lazy..uhm,yah i Am..
*i hate guys having pierce
*i hatE gUys wHo uSe t0 sMokE..

*ym -

*friEndstEr -



